I've been busy. Real busy. It's a good month when I have several fires that are lit at once!
This piece is as of yet untitled. It's a 3d piece, and I am working with mirrors and lights.
The idea is to have the building extend out from the substrate....and be open on the bottom and top, allowing the curious ones to peak inside. I have done collage work on both the inside and outside of the building. The only way you can see the inside work is by the reflection in the mirror. It's hard to explain. Let me show you.
An overall view, with crappy lighting! |
The base is a thick 1" piece of gnarly wood that I found in the garage. I painted it white, and then added accents with
GOLDEN interference paint. This worked really well, and when you look at it in person, it's pearly. I started this piece before my wedding and ocean honeymoon, so I was in a shell mood and actually picked apart vintage shell earrings in order to create the weeds and front lawn.
A closeup of the right side with better lighting, you can almost see the pearly effect. |
The building was made from digital photos, which I blew up and afterwards used colored pencil in order to bring out the pearly colors. Unfortunately with these crappy fotos, you can't see the effect.
Underneath the building rests the mirror. And a hole. |
The mirror will be attached to the building and it becomes one unit that I will eventually paste down on the wood. That little hole? I will house the LED light which will shine thru that odd looking piece of vintage jewelry, filtered light...In the back of the wood I have to use the router to create a hole that will house the battery pack and switch for the LED. It will poke thru the hole and I will then glue the jewelry above the hole to create the effect. This will help in 2 ways. First, you will be able to see in the mirror better, if you choose to try this. Also, it will allow the real glass windows that I put in the building to shine thru. It's an eerie effect, with the strange glow of LED coming thru it. (the windows were actually old mirrors, that I removed most of the frosting on the back.)
The people living inside only revealed thru the mirror once this is attached. |
Here's the couple that live inside....an HP box was the substrate, and these tabs will get glued under the mirror.
detail of upcycled jewelry that I tore apart as greenery |
Everything on this is complete, art-wise. I just have to get my sweet husband to help me with the router part for the LED and I guess I shall have to name this piece at that point!
VERY cool!
So cool!
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