
Upstream People Gallery

These fine folks at the Upstream People Gallery are hosting a juried exhibit. The 9th Annual Collage, Digital, Mixed Media Juried Online International Art Exhibition will be accepting entries up until MAY 8. That isn't too far away! So go to your portfolio, seek out the best of your work, and enter it in this competition.

About the Upstream people gallery...."The name Omaha means "Upstream People" in the American Indian language, so it seems quite fitting to have an art gallery by the same name. Early exhibitions were developed to promote the best ideals of many Americans as established by our heritage and early founders. Values of family, expressions of love, displays of beautiful landscapes, the capturing of the human condition, alone and in interactions, and the many other conditions of the human soul began to emerge as predominant in the types of shows that were formulated."

I like this statement. I believe that art is under the same attack as the rest of the facets in our life...the attack of commercialism. Everything and Anything can be bought. The whole fact that the gallery even has such a statement is already a testimony to their ideas about art and creativity. There are quite a few galleries online at their site for viewing. It would be a good thing to take a moment on this beautiful Sunday that the planet has given us, and look into some quality and varied work.

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