
Nall -As Seen on Myartspace

I read this informative article about a southern artist from Troy, Alabama named Nall. He was noticed by the good people at myartspace, and they have an interview with him on their blog. This oh-so-lucky man was able to study with Dali and work in a studio that was owned by Jean Debuffet!!!

His work is a conglomerate of mosaic, with a dash of painting working up to glorious collage and I find myself once again wanting the ability to see his work up close, to feel the texture...Good strong deep stuff. He has started the N.A.L.L. art association (Nature Art & Life League) and there is so much more to be found here at the website. There's a lot to view. It's worth some time to read about this man that is working to bring something back to the art world that has been so gracious to him, and to the artists in Alabama, with whom he feels a kindred relationship.

I think I found the Alchemy gallery the most compelling, but with so much good work, making a choice for favorite wasn't easy.

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___A place to find all kinds of information about collage.