
Current Exhibition: The 9th Annual Collage, Digital, Mixed Media Juried Online International Art Exhibition

Joan Fitzgerald
Athol Springs, NY
"She Knew He Was Dangerous"
31" x 28"

The Upstream People Gallery now have the 9th Annual Exhibit online. I was really intrigued by the work of Ryan Cummings. I like the photos incorporated in his work. Joan Fitzgerald also had a unique way of collaging photos...Garrin Horner of Ann Arbor did some bizarre prints of collaged negatives!!! I really thought this was a creative thing to do!

Garin Horner
Ann Arbor, MI
"Photomancy: Weights and Measures"
Photographic Print from Collaged Negatives
14" x 11" x 1"

This is definitely worth some of your viewing time.

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