
Collage Clearinghouse Cleans House

Hanging in the Balance —The latest piece for the Sharon Springs DK Project
Something to decorate this post!

There are so many little things that I can do within my own websites and blogs in order to make it easier for both myself and readers. Finding the time for this petty stuff seems like a waste, but when I compare blogs and features, I find myself lacking!
I have been trying to organize the blog a bit today. I went back to all my previous posts and tried to cull links in order to create a more helpful link list. On the sidebar is a growing list of collage related websites, and also a list of collage blogs. The blog list seems small...I probably have to spend more time paying attention to what I am viewing and keep this updated. I also tried to list a few collage-friendly galleries. Hopefully this will improve your collage clearinghouse blog experience and make it easier to use all this info!

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___A place to find all kinds of information about collage.