
Iterations - Reiterations

Tall House on Blaine: post Jitter

The watercolors I have been working on have finally started to weigh on me. There is such constraint involved. The most delicate touch is required on my part in order to play with these sensitive paints. I am still working on various local buildings, and each time painting, repainting and trying to achieve specific looks. It's a slow and tedious process, but also so rewarding. These paintings are ongoing, it's part of my process.
The collagista in me is hungry, and in the shadows she lurks waiting for the chance to pounce. That first chance came today. I located the demo version of MAX/Jitter and loaded it. "Prepare yourself for 30 intensive days!", I told myself, as I loaded it and began to explore.
Immediately the things I learned years ago came back to me, and within an hour or two I was creating new masterpieces that I can re-interpret.
Tall House on Blaine: after another reiteration in Jitter
These will be printed on various stock and from various printers. The next step is to move to the collage table, cut and tear these up, and paste them with...a fresh new watercolor...and ???

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