

This is a really cool blog. Seriously!
April Elcich has compiled a large array of collage artists thoughts and opinions thru a small email interview format. I like this format so much, I love a good interview!
There's so much there, and so many interesting artists... I feel humbled. Poor collage clearinghouse can't keep up with such admirable dedication!
I really liked her google map, with pins showing the locations of her various interviewees. I do enjoy international artists a lot and this blog has featured people from all around the world. Cheers to April and the good work being done on Not Paper!

Alexis Mackenzie — Collage of nature

Hope the holidays are progressing nicely for YOU. We are halfway there, with New Years on our horizon. I am almost finished with the multitudinous family events that have taken over my life for the past 2 months and today finally I am back on the blog again. Hello again! It feels good to be back. I felt as though I left my own life for awhile.
So, lets look at some new stuff.

I was cleaning out my bookmarks list (how DOES that list get so long so quick? I am a surfing fool) and I found this old link to an interview on Fecal Face with Alexis Mackenzie. I must have found it on a day that I already had interesting things to post here, and there the bookmark sat, lonely in my Firefox list....since April. So without further adieu.

Q: What do you get when you mix Victorian ladies, flowers, bats, gems, and bones?
A: Collage work by Alexis Mackenzie

Alexis Mackenzie does meticulous collage work. According to the fecal face article, she is very particular about her ephemera and only uses original pieces, no copies. (I think this is a common policy among collagists. I think that using originals certainly helps your copyright usage issues, and it may also be one small way to separate fine art collage from scrapbooking). I really enjoy her surrealistic natural settings. They are colorful, imaginative, and inventive. I share her love of old ladies dressed in insanely elaborate clothing. She uses these ladies freely and places them in colorfully poetic settings. I love it. I just want to be in this picture floating above a rock with an owl offering me a flowering sprig.

Her website is here, but there more to be found image wise on her flickr pages.
Sweet surreal stuff.


Happy Birthday Collage Clearinghouse!!

Happy Birthday to Collage Clearinghouse!!! You are 2 years old today!
On a fateful December day 2 years ago, I began writing this blog. It was a journey that has taken me all over the place. I have met people, shared with people, got pissed at people, learned from the people. It's so great to communicate. I am still happy to be here. I know sometimes the posts are lean and it's difficult always to drum up heavy enthusiasm when your checkbook is empty, your holiday seems lacking, and your family is driving you nuts. I try always to return here tho, and finally when the dust settles on all the craziness, it's here where my most important moments are spent.

Jay of blue
This weekend, I began the very late task of getting my Christmas together. For this year, I made my Dad and grandmother a card. For the rest of my immediate loving family I have made tag cards our of old cards, vintage cards and wrapping paper.

Santa on black
I plan to put a bunch of interesting little ribbon and ornamentals on the top thru the hole. Then these tags will rest in a slit on the front of a card made of nice paper. Inside I will write sweet nothings to the recipient.

Christmas Polar Bear Fairy
The ornament/tag they can pull out and hang on the tree. Double duty style. Card/ornament. ornament/card.

Cardinal Christmas
These are rather pathetic excuses for fine art collage. But at this time of year, I turn to a more craftwardly (!! a new word!) way of looking at things. I can't send Santa tags with disjointed legs and 2 mouths to my elderly Grandmother. It just isn't proper. I can send her a cute little red bird sitting on top of vintage ribbon on a tag tho....this is something she will like. At times, I just want something with a crafty older world feel to it--that Scrapbook look. Something homemade that will tickle the fancy of those I love.
Soon enough, I can return to the crazed pieced together world that I live in. For now, I tone it down, sort of like how Rudolph toned down that darn red nose before reindeer Christmasland found out his nose would lead Santa in the snowy night!


Who did this Work?

I am finally back in my own life again and it feels like an explosion. As it usually goes when I get a bunch of free time, my brain has gone crazy and visited new internal places and has come up with all sorts of new ideas. I am anxious to get back to creating --sharing-- and of course, blogging! So lets get a move on!

I got an email from Ethan Kirschner with an identification question. He has this image and is looking to see who the artist is that created it. It looks familiar to me, and I know I have seen it before, but where? I cannot immediately recall. I even think this person was featured here on the blog...the eyes are so familiar....

Was it you? Do you know who did this work??


Family Leave??

Do blogs come with a family medical leave option???
I have been absent from my job, absent from my beloved studio and home, and absent from the life I normally lead which includes this blog! Due to family events, including a 1 week stay in Wilmington, NC and now another stay for 4 days in Boston, I have had to turn my attention to closer personal matters and help the family. I have to admit, it's difficult for me to leave my comfort zone. I used to be a traveler and not care where I was or where I went. But as I get older, I feel the effect of being away from my normal life and passions. It wears me down. My trip to see my daughter in North Carolina was way overdue, since I have not gone down to see her at her home in 7 years. (yes, we saw each other several times, just in NY, not in NC!) Just when I thought I would be able to settle down in my own life again, my sister had an injury and needed some immediate neurosurgery on her neck. I was called upon to help her recover in Boston. So here I am. And here we are. No posts in a few weeks.
Sometimes circumstances take priority, and then it's time to live. Time to be the person that you dream of in those lonely moments inside your head while you are creating. This is the substance of life. Living it is not optional! So I have had to put this blog on hold for a couple of weeks, but you have to believe that inside I am craving my life back. Soon enough I will burst again on this blog scene and fill your heads with a conglomerate of insane things!
Meanwhile, go and live a bit!! Enjoy the quiet.



Thanks so much
Thanks for being here thru 477 posts of collage goodness.
Thanks for giving me a reason to keep involved with my profession.
Thanks for allowing me the ability to grow here right before your eyes.
Thanks for commenting now and then, prodding me on.
Thanks for sending me emails and messages to let me know about upcoming events.
Thanks for sharing your art with me, and coming here to participate while I share mine.
Thanks for using the things you may find here to enrich your life and artwork.
Thanks for being apart of us.


Eat Me, Drink Me in Scotland

There is going to be an explosion of Victorian Psychedelia on display in Glasgow, Scotland on Sunday the 30th. My artwork will be displayed on some kind of slide show ...stop in and do wear your best kilt!


Hyde, Copyright and YOU!

I was reading the most recent post over at Ed Winkleman's blog this morning and it really caught my attention. Copyright was the subject, fair use and unfair use, my FAVORITE topic (haha!)...He had a couple of links there that I recommend you read about if you follow copyright stuff, which you should if you are a good collage dooby.
He mentions the article on about the German artists that are pissed off about having their images in the google image search, Catherine Spaeth's blog which speaks about writing and the copyright issue, and also the story of Paddy Johnson's Helmut Newton escapade...But it was the comment section that tipped me off about the Hyde thing.
Hyde is someone exploring the nature of our creative commons. Using "gift" societies as an example, he is doing us all a good service by dedicating his time to researching the current copyright conundrum. The article is on the NY Times site. Its a great read. I would also follow the links above from Ed's blog, because all of this stuff is relevant, important, temporarily Earth shattering, and definitely life threatening.


Erik Foss — Smokem if u Got em

Erik Foss has some hard core collage going on...And it is up for your viewing pleasure at Gallery 3 in San Fran.

Gallery Three is pleased to present the first West Coast solo exhibition of New York based artist Erik Foss. A deftly crafted mixed-media mélange of painting, collage, drawing, photography, assemblage and sculptural installation components, Smokem If You Gotem lays bare the personal demonology of Foss’ visual obsessions along with the greater social pathology of our culture on the brink. At once eminently seductive and deeply disquieting, Foss iconography of cultural critique collapses the perceptual boundaries between pornography, poverty and politics to underscore the collective anxiety and violence of our time.

An intrepid scavenger of visual artifacts in which memory, melancholia and madness invoke a visionary topography where the mortality of dreams engender germinal quotients of relativist understanding, Erik Foss locates the fearful symmetries lurking within the miasma of pop culture at the nexus where representation and witness converge. With the raw vernacular of the streets, Foss makes fine art fodder of the smug complacency and delusional democracy by which our failing empire lulls itself to terminal sleep. How else might we read his bold re-imagining of our national emblem, the American flag, as a composite of needy pleas and desperate amusements culled from the signs of begging homeless? His is the itinerant semiotics of national shame reeking behind spectacle of patriotic glory.

In conjunction with his exhibition at Gallery Three, D. A. Arts (located next door at 135 Sixth Street) will concurrently be presenting an ambitious new installation Erik Foss is producing especially for the space. Entitled Arizona Graves, this haunting elegy for the tangible presence of loss is at once an interpretive recreation of a Native American burial ground near where the artist grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and a mythopoeic invocation of the darker legacy of the American Dream.

the skinny:
Gallery Three
66 Sixth Street
San Francisco, California 94103
November 15- December 13, 2008
Artist Reception: Saturday November 15th 7-11 pm


Issuu — you publish!

Imagine your very own publication on the same shelf as Art Forum. Now it can happen.

Issuu is a super cool site that feeds out pdf's of publications. ALL kinds of publications. Like thousands of pdfs.... I mean this is the motherload of pdfs!!! After joining, you have the ability to upload your own publications for viewing. It formats your work into this super cool web-reabable pdf. It's really quite amazing and it's FREEEEE. You can bookmark pubs and pages. You can share your own work. You can also find friends there and do all that social web hoo doo stuff...
I found several collage people out there and there are so much more I am certain.
I uploaded 3 publications that I did a few years ago. My pubs can be found here. I have blogged about cless before and his pubs may be found here.
Do you have any pubs on Issuu? Let me know...because if I get enough response, I will put a link section on the side and we can share our pubs.

Atomic Autobody — Warren Dykeman

I was really drawn to these collage pieces done by Warren Dykeman. These are super graphic works. The colors are the first thing that I feel....the primaries. There is a retro feel to these works but they are still so ultra phresh ya gotta love them. If you are in Seattle, you can see 'em up close and personal at BLVD gallery real soon. The show opens this Friday, Nov. 14.

The downlo:

BLVD Gallery Presents
“Atomic Autobody – New Works by Warren Dykeman”
November 14 - December 6, 2008
Opening Reception Friday November 14 6p - 10p
BLVD Gallery
2316 2nd Ave Seattle Wa 98121

Influence III — Materials

Influence comes from so many places, isn't it true? My newest game is to identify the source that gives me inspiration and share it. (to prove that my brain really is a big collage....?) No, seriously now. Since I am becoming almost ridiculous as to the source of my ephemera for copyright reasons, I seem to have carried this thought process over into my brain and I am now seeking the source of my techniques, ideas, and visions.
Today I bring to you the story of Gabriel Combs. He's a young struggling artist living in the challenging state of Minnesota. I say challenged because for some reason, unless you are living in NY city, it just seems so damned hard to make a living doing art. Truth is, it's hard doing art EVEN in NY city. Being an artist ain't easy no matter where you are.
I read about Gabriel back in March, in a blog called The Chronicle of Artistic Failure in America. Wow, heavy duty title for a blog. But the article really was a good one, and it tugged on my heartstrings. It described Combs as " an artist struggling to get noticed in a market overflooded with artists." Sound familiar? Turned out Mr. Combs was hard on his luck and at the time he had turned to selling pieces on ebay. The whole thing moved me and at the time I had a few spare bucks, so I went to ebay and bid on one of his works. Afterwards, I felt bad, it didn't cost much and I knew that he would have charged me if his situation was different, but I was hoping that some money to him was better than none.
The piece was a super cool futuristic one, and I loved it right from the start. The coolest thing of all was that it was done on a piece of wood that so obviously was previously a dresser drawer!

My boyfriend immediately announced he didn't like the idea that you could tell it was a dresser drawer. I told him that was the thing that I liked the most about it!!
Several months pass.
Chris is outside ripping up antique furniture that is beyond repair. I find myself staring at a pile of dresser drawers in various states of disarray. I picked out one and it became one of my latest works. I can directly point to the inspiration of Gabriel Combs as the reason why I used this particular piece of wood. I got so much more for my money than I had imagined in that auction....I got a new idea that could take seed in my pea brain. A new idea that could be dragged out later on and used in my own way. Copyright free.
This piece is called "Eddie had a Pileated Heart". The little box that juts out in 3d fashion used to be a lime green silk box with no bottom. I am thinking it may have housed a little oriental doll at one time. I painted it all black and made the new bottom so I could use it. The pileated woodpeckers are the ones with the red hoods. I like them cuz they are huge and eat from my birdfeeder. And the dude in this piece? Somehow he reminds me of my cousin Eddie, hence the title.

To vary things a bit, and to perhaps grow on Gabriel's idea of the dresser as canvas, I painted the little wooden dowels black and white, using them as part of the design of the piece.

And whatever became of the starving artist Gabriel Combs? I found he still sells pieces on ebay. With a tough economy and winter on the way, perhaps some of us can find a way to sponsor someone. Even just a little effort goes a long way you know. And I just proved to you that you get even more than you paid for.


Fox in the Wood

Fox in the Wood
Originally uploaded by misphit
Art on Sunday.
Another piece towards the shapeshifter series I am doing.

I am a little bummed on this one, it is a little too busy for the initial design lines to show.


Go Global — Creative Caucus

A message from Cecil Touchon, forerunner of a new idea...

Greetings all,
Today the coup d'état that began in the year 2000 in the United States
has new been delivered a coup de grace. Today people all over the world
take a sigh of relief as the American people state clearly "Yes we
can!". Today America begins the arduous task of rebuilding itself from
the ground up and repairing its reputation and position on the world stage.

It is on this great day that I would like to introduce a new
organization that is focused on the long term effort to define and bring
into self consciousness a global demographic that has yet to organize
itself as a group and that is: the creative community. Today I announce
the formation of the Creative Caucus and invite artists, architects,
designers, composers, performers, actors, entrepreneurs and anyone else
working in any creative field to join together to discuss cultural
issues and to work together to create positive change that encourages
widespread creative freedom and freedom of expression. It is the
creative community who is the first to see the possibilities and design
a better future. If we will work together we, who usually live quietly
on the fringes of the larger culture, may encourage the kinds of changes
in the global community that make the world a safe and peaceful place in
which creative people all over the world may work openly without fear of

The Creative Caucus is an experiment in dreaming of a better way that
people from all over the world, from all different points of view might
work together to identify common goals toward which we might all be
willing to invest a small amount of our individual efforts. We seek to
find those things that we hold in common rather than argue over our
differences. We seek to listen to and understand each other more than
convince each other our own rightness. We hold the principle that a
diversity of views enriches all of us and strengthens our capacity to
see the big picture.

The Creative Caucus is a gathering of forces from across the spectrum
who believe that there can be unity of purpose while cherishing a
diversity of views. When we engage in debate it is not for one to win
and the other to lose but rather to shine the light of intelligence on
the issues that we face that we may more clearly understand them.

Creative people all over the world are those who strive to see beyond
what is to explore what could be. The creative impulse strives to
uncover potential and possibility rather than accept the commonly held
assumptions. Creativity apprehends with intuition what reason alone
cannot reach. The Creative Caucus seeks to encourage a dialog among
those who believe that creativity is a vital and important part of a
vibrant culture that should be
nurtured, cherished and protected.

Please visit CreativeCaucus.org for more information and to join us as
we form this organization.

Cecil Touchon

Terry's Journal pages

Terry's Journal Pages
now with special insanity notations!!!!

Theo was a good fellow so they tried not to stare.

I loved Terry's opening page so much. The winged ears cracked me up, such a departure from the ever-tiring winged fairy option.... I decided I needed to give Theo a bigger identity. There's a story here to tell.

Theo had a brother. (he thought it wasn't fair...)
He was unlike any other.

I wanted to put words on the second page here..but I got stuck with 2 alternatives and did neither... He thought it wasn't fair would rhyme nicely with Terry's page, however, unless you looked and thought for a moment, you might not get what wasn't fair. (body alterations!) He was unlike any other...hell that's the truth.

This certifies that you are the source of the strange young sons.

He certainly could have been the father...he has wings plus antennas on his head. And his hands are doing a shadow puppet in his crotch. He is strange enough to have a son with winged ears and another son with a butterfly body, which is quite phallus-like. It's believable.

No words on this spread.
Let me fill in the blanks...Father looks fondly on at his eldest son, Theo while graffiti sprouts from his already winged ears. Maybe he used to be a city boy?

Again, no words on this spread.
Theo is hanging out in his natural habitat of flora and fauna...pointing to his not-so-lucky brother who appears to be wrestling time out of a faucet.

again, no words
Theo's brother appears to be in Theo's forest hood....not sure why. This is for Terry to figure out!! And maybe he will have a name for Theo's unlucky brother.

The journal already is home in Minnesota with Terry. Theo probably will have some new antics to share with us at a later date....

Influence II — Collaboration

Thanks to the wonders of internet and this ongoing blog, I have met some new people and now I am embarking on some new art adventures.
It's a lonely place out here on the net sometimes, as you may have heard me bitch about, and hearing back from peeps is truly the coolest moment...knowing you are actually affecting something out there in the aether feeds me somewhere inside. Terry Garrett is a someone I met here on the blog thru his many gracious comments. We struck up a few email convos and decided that maybe we should collaborate on a journal. Now, I don't know about you, but it's difficult for this artist to not make some kind of little picture in my head that I think you look like, even tho I haven't met you. So Terry, he became a 40's something, dark haired women to me. I have met a few Terry's in my life and they all had dark complexion, dark long hair, and they were women. Therefore, this Terry had a mold to fit!! As usual, the joke was on me. My assumptions were totally incorrect. Terry is a man in his 50's. Oops. And he's also gay. Which for me is a non-issue, but it certainly did something to my habit of making up peoples' faces in my own head prior to know more about them....(so you, dear reader, are safe!!)
I haven't done a collaborative thing in a few years, since I had to put aside some private time for my own art to grow. But lately I have been eager to tangle with some other artists and see if they can help push me in new directions. I consider these collaborative projects as playtime in kindergarten. There's some really basic rules to follow, but basically I let myself go crazy and experiment like a kid with a new box o' crayons.
And so we were off. We both chose a journal and sent it to each other. I was especially intrigued with the content and subject matter of Terry's journal. I am so used to working with women on projects, and most of the time women seem to be the subject of the artwork. Here comes Terry's journal, loaded with male images and male ephemera. How terribly exciting! I was pretty amazed at this for some reason and decided that it's such a good thing to now and then expand ones'z horizons. I am always using these old Victorian lady pix that I get a hold of, mostly I think because my work is somewhat autobiographical and I try to find a face to fit a certain look I have in mind. And here comes this journal that's just reeking with testosterone and maleness....I just loved the change. It pointed out to me how boxed in that I am with subject material. I just love a good personal revelation!
Time to grow. Time to bring some males into my art stable and see what new things can be conjured up. I don't know if it's simply because I am working on a journal with a male, or if it's because I am working on a journal with a gay male, but I tend to think it's because I am working on a journal with another individual with a totally different refreshing point of view --so it's all new again. I don't have tons of male ephemera. It's all grrrls grrrls grrrrrrls. So I am on the prowl for some Vintage males. Some male nudes especially. That's a tough and tall order. So far, the only place I can get any variety is on vintage porn sites!
(note to self: Of course, maybe you are avoiding the alternative, which is to paint yourself some, you lazy girl.)


Half Past North

A striped ship was hopelessly lost on a polka dotted sea
Perilous creatures of the deep were lurking nearby suspiciously
A mermaid took advantage of the desperate situation
Turned the ship half past north toward it's destination
The ocean is such a scary place to be
What became of them is unknown to you and me.

Mixed Media on Canvas
16 x 20
acrylic, wrapping paper, sheet music, vintage netting, compass


Sometimes you work on a piece, and you think you are all in your own head and using your own special visions and all that secret special stuff, and when it's all said and done, you look back and find out you are not oblivous to what's going on around you. In fact you are a freakin' sponge.

Yea, that's me.

I was working on a canvas this past week. I had already prepped the canvas with gesso, since I am recycling one of 100 used canvases I purchased recently. I had laid down coats of cobalt and green and let them all mingle and drip. I had already done 3 laser transfers, and I was ready to give this whole thing some life.
And then I got my David Hochbaum catalog in the mail. All these luscious pages of aqua blue, dripping with oceanic collages, ships, and mystery. I poured over the pages a few times, trying to get a better glimpse into the techniques and the meaning.
The next day, I went to work on the canvas that was awaiting me. I took a hard look at the piece, and it looked like water. My boyfriend also agreed, this was ocean!
My latest series of works is involving shape shifting, animals and humans morphing together. Continuing on in this fashion, for this canvas, with it's obvious oceanic tendencies, I did a mermaid. When it was all done, I couldn't help but drastically notice the influence that the catalog had over my work that day. It was sitting over on the table, and when I "came to" (the phrase I use to describe how I feel as I finish up a piece and rise out of it) all I could think of was the Hochbaum catalog I just got. As much as I try to make all things I do come from my own heart, I find over and over that my brain is part sponge, picking up details, colors, ideas, and influences from everything around me.
I mimic that process in my artwork. I pick up colors, papers, textures, and let them compose the piece.
Therefore, my brain is a collage, right?



Originally uploaded by misphit
Happy Halloween, my collage friends.

Grave rubbing from a grave that sits on the edge of my property.

I have been trying to get the painting part of my work to step it up. FINALLY!! The painting mattered.

Copyright. AGAIN!

I know I know. You get sick of the damned copyright stuff. SO DO I! But I learned last year, after I chose to go ahead and use someone's photo that I liked on flickr and got slapped for it, that in order to be professional as an artist, ya gotta act like one. Unfortunately, that includes the copyright crap. Especially if you're into collage.
And so today, I bring to you info about a new book and a fresh perspective. Lawrence Lessig, champion of copyright info, and a forerunner in the idea department as far as alternatives to our current lousy ineffective copyright laws is concerned, has written a new book.
REMIX: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy
Lessig has some really modern ideas about creativity and the reigns that our laws hold on us all. I love his take on it...the criminal aspect.

"What does it mean to society when a whole generation is raised as criminals?"
HUH? I read this post on the NewsGrist blog this morning and scrunched up my nose. What do you mean criminals?? I read on to find that Lessig's logic on this is really sensible.
"The creative practices of today's youth include a range of activities -- file sharing, most notoriously, but also the production of mashups -- that are illegal under the current copyright regime, but criminalization is having little success as a deterrent."
Well Golly! (*said with that classic Gomer Pyle drawl) Ain't that the truth! Hell, it isn't even just the youth. I do it too, and at this point I am not young I do hate to admit.

The book goes on to posit that when copyright laws were formed, the technology was in the hands of the rich (i.e. moviemaking...music production...) and the laws were set up to protect them. At home, no one had the means to create movies or albums, let alone remixes. However, there has been a massive shifting of technological possibilities for the common man, and therefore, the laws need readjustment. The idea of a hybrid economy is discussed, one that would bring benefits to both business and the rest of us.
Sure sounds logical to me. I haven't read this book, however it seems very appropriate to at least take a look at some alternatives to our current system.


Vernita Nemec to Speak in NYC

Here's the skinny>>>

Please join us on Wednesday, November 5th

SPEAKERS: Vernita Nemec

TALK: Saving the Planet with Art:
Recycling with Imagination

Reception: 6:30 pm
Seminar: 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Place: International Affairs Building, Room 707, 420 West 118th
Seminar Chairs: Eugenie Bietry, Ken Hollenbeck

Please rsvp for the reception only via e-mail
(jr438@columbia.edu). Thank you!

The seminar will be held from 7pm to approx 8:30 p.m. in the
the Lindsay Rogers Room, 707 in the International Affairs Building.

Please join us for a wine & cheese reception before the seminar in
Room 707 of the IAB, starting at 6:30 pm.

For the location of the International Affairs Building, see:

About the Speaker:

Vernita Nemec (aka Vernita N'Cognita) is an artist of split
persuasions- a performance artist and a visual artist, as well as a
curator of exhibits in which art and politics touch or, if
necessary, collide.

Since the late 70's, Vernita has been creating collage and
installations, like "The Endless Junkmail Scroll," a 200 foot
collage shown in its entirety or in segments- a creative solution
to too much junkmail - and other artworks from materials that would
have otherwise been discarded.

In 1994, she founded "Art from Detritus," group exhibitions of art
made from recycled materials shown throughout the country.
Exhibits have been funded by the Kauffman & Puffin Foundations and
sponsored by the NRC (National Recycling Coalition).

Though artists have been recycling found objects for centuries, the
globalization of consumer culture has identified new opportunities
for creative expression. Ed McCormack in Gallery & Studio wrote,
"Art from Detritus: Recycling with Imagination is an exhibit at the
forefront of aesthetic ecology."

For further information on Vernita Nemec's art, please see:

** All Seminars are free and open to the public**
JK Rosenthal
Urban Planning Program
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation
Columbia University
Avery Hall, 4th floor
New York, NY 10027


Art Review: Collage on the cover

The very latest issue of Art Review: Digital features a collage by John Stezaker on the front cover. I wasn't that familiar with his work, and did a little googling around to check up on him. Seems he is an expert in facial collage work, making some very creative images. John is an English artist, located in London. I just adore the fact that collage work made it to the front cover of the POWER 100 issue. See how relevant this medium is?????

Marty Gordon — Fremont First Friday

Jack Knife
4" X 4"
mixed media on canvas
© 2007
Are you in Seattle this coming week??? Then there's no reason you can't go to this most interesting collage show featuring artwork by Marty Gordon. He does really fantastic collage with little word bubbles....his work is distinctive, bright and full of messages. His intense, vibrant, and graphic way of portraying life is refreshing and thought provoking.
Fremont First Friday
art walk November 7, 6:00 - 8:00
100 ne northlake way suite 200 . seattle, wa . 98105
If you can't make it you can also visit Marty's blog and get a glimpse into his world.

Art and Law

Collage artists inevitably end up asking those copyright questions....??? It's unavoidable.
I am always seeking out better and better places to ask the questions and get the answers. Today I post about an art and law blog...a place where art and law meet. Ugh, it's a nasty combo. Sometime however, you may find your art being used in an undesirable way, or you may inadvertently do something in your own art practice that is dicey and you get called on it, or lucky you, you are going to have gallery representation...what about that contract??? Whatever the issue is, there may come a time when you are looking for legal advice. This blog is put out by Elizabeth Russell that addresses some of the problems you could encounter....She's putting the info out there. It's up to you to go out there and get it.
Prez Bush did sign the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO IP) Act of 2008...and it does involve a Copyright Czar. You don't want to be caught by the Copyright Czar!!! AAAA! Sounds scary and kinda communist even. Stay informed. Stay safe.


Cedar River Woodchuck

Cedar River Woodchuck
Originally uploaded by misphit
This was a very nasty half done acrylic painting that someone else had done.I gessoed over 2 coats and let dry for a full week. Next were the xerox transfers. I used laser prints of a vintage tin ceiling and acetone. They came out real faded and decayed, just the way I like it! Now, smear on some acrylic paint here and there, add some muted color tones to finish the background.
Next I did the main collage work. At first, I was going to leave it at that. But the foreground really needed something help meld it with the light colored fading background. Stencils to the rescue!!
This piece is in the shapeshifter series I am working on. I was not as successful morphing the woody-chuck and the woman. She's so darned tall, maybe another piece of woodchuck in the center would have helped, but layout and design wise I couldn't see it.
I do, however, like her very batty look. Can you tell I am in a Halloween mood?


The sky rained aqua

Originally uploaded by misphit
Worked with some gouache for the first time in years.
So rich the colors are.
Still learning to approach canvas instead of watercolor paper in my work. I like the rigid background, but the linen texture of the canvas puts me off. I want to bury it under some texture so I can't see it.


A Letter to Andrea Kreuzhage

a spread I did in journal #646, from the 1000 Journals site.

I had the opportunity over the weekend to go see the 1000 Journals Film in NYC. What a bizarre experience. I just wrote a letter to Andrea, the director about my thoughts on the film. I thought it would be cool to cc: the letter here:

Impressions of the 1000 Journals Film by Julie Sadler
I was so glad to get the chance to go down to NY and finally get to see your little baby...the 1000 Journals film!

Daughter Rose and her friend Shane met me down at Grand Central and we ended up getting to the SONY building with just minutes to spare before the film started. The building was just what you would have expected from a Manhattan SONY building, crazy TVs everywhere indented in the walls and myriad colored walls and excitement everywhere. We were escorted via glass elevator up to the screening room. It was a small rather intimate theater with very plush seats and super sleek ambience. The lights dimmed and my heart pumped inside my chest like a bomb threat!!

The beginning frames of the opening were terrific. I loved the graphic designerly and journally feel that these scenes had. The hand drawn effect worked really well and I caught myself trying to get a glimpse of every single journal as they kept pasting one on top of another...

As the movie got underway I was impressed by the international flavor. The movement from one country to another, rather sporadically and in no specific order was really a small reminder of the way the journals floated from city to country to town to the sea and beyond...Nice metaphor Andrea!

You probably don't know this, but I am really not fond of my own presence in photos. I hate getting pix taken, and even worse I usually hate the pix afterwards when I see them! I don't like to hear my own voice to the extent where I will have other office people use the pager for me. I am almost phobic about it sometimes. And here I am in NYC about to watch myself on a bigass HDTV screen, larger than my own living room. To say I was anxious is an understatement!

The first thing I saw that related to me was a small flash of one of my journal pages. I am such a kid at heart, I coudn't resist the urge to point up at the scream and squeal a little inside as I watched it go by. Of course, my daughter was not as amused with my silliness, but I was so amazed, almost gawking at the screen like a 5 year old. And then my art was full screen, not once, not twice, but I think 3 times. BIG GULP, I knew this was going to be my segment. There I am at the 9/11 site. That made me have just a second of reflection about the gravity of that visit and how much that affected me afterwards....and there I was walking around the streets of NYC picking stickers...that was so funny. I loved it when you had a closeup of that little notebook as I put the stickers in it. I also chuckled as I remembered the weight of Ralphs camera as I had it around my neck. It kept bouncing against me and turning on tee hee...

But then I started talking in the film. And I freaked out in my seat and put my hand over my eyes. AAAA! I can't watch this, I cant stand to hear myself, I wanted to escape. But the inner voice said "Julie! You came all this way to NOT watch this???? Open those eyes girl!" and I did. You managed to capture me saying something relevant to the project thank goodness, I was worried that I said nothing worthy of being used. Funny how your imagination can eat you alive. I have never seen myself in moving pictures before and this was a very amazing revelatory experience. I never knew how off the wall I come across...I never realized how animated I am. I am hoping some of it is a product of being nervous about being filmed, but I know I am dramatic and boy did that come over on film. I was quite taken back by that even, and I find myself trying to talk slower, and just mellow a bit now that I am home... (good luck on that...) Another weird thing was that I never knew my eyes were so blue. Good grief, that was crazy, they were like blue light specials....Maybe it was just the way the film picked them up, I don't know but it stood out to me.

There was about 10 minutes left of the film and all of a sudden the screen goes black, and you just hear sound. WTF>!?? Turned out there was some kind of hardware issues with SONY and we had quite a few minutes of intermission while they fixed the problem. During the pause, I was able to meet up with Linda Zacks, with whom I had featured in our little online zine a few years ago. It was cool to meet up with a net friend! What an opportunity....so unplanned I loved that.

The film came back up finally, after a few false starts (boo hiss on SONY for bad hardware. However we did appreciate the intermission gab fest!) At the end of the movie, I knew there was that sequence of each person telling you to return the journals to someguy....I kinda of was waiting to see my comment at the end, and there I was ....giving "the Look"!! Everyone in the theater cracked up with laughter and it made my day to see my goofy face with the blue headlights make everyone in the room bust out and laugh even without saying a word. YAY!

I was a bit weirded out by the whole fat cow lady story and most people I spoke with afterwards were also affected by this particular scene. It was a weird coincidence I think....too bad that happened to her. She was very emotional, and I think maybe she was a bit too serious about it all, but then I am not in her shoes. And then there was that guy who was peeved over his Robert Frost poem getting covered up. Those Aussie girls giggling in the park having a great time covering up things and moshing it all up in general...and then him writing What you don't like Robert Frost?? in the middle of the crease--that just cracked me up so bad!!! Some good stuff in there. Showed nicely how these small things like journals affect everything else...

I am so very glad to have had this experience. My absolute fave part was seeing myself as an artist on the big screen, with a paint brush in my hand ---working on collage art. That's what I will hold onto for the rest of my life.
Thanks so much for including me so gracefully in your film. I was happy to help make your dreams come true. And indeed, in some ways I think some of mine came true too.

Peace, love and groove to you forever my friend,


This film is playing in several spots over the next months. Go here to find out where you can see this near you. There's going to be a huge show at SF MOMA next month, with real actual journal pages on display. Maybe you want to check that out!


Mechanical Appropriations of Holli Schorno

One of the stronger elements of collage work is the usage of parts from various other wholes, or the appropriation of things. Holli Schorno creates meticulous looking worlds from a vast variety of mechanical and automotive ephemera. Some of these pieces are rather monotone-like, which I just adore, and I really enjoy the stark white on the backgrounds. It's a very graphic approach and really the intricacy of her work is quite a contrast, making for some really cool pieces! She has shown at the wonderfully supportive gallery Pavel Zoubok, which has a reputation for representing various collage artists.

This piece I really liked, something about the grandiose branching antenna was quite organic and it reminded me of a quirky tree...
There's a gallery of works on mylar layers that is quite amazing here. It looks as tho she did collage on mylar sheets and then married them together, creating a ghosted cast on portions of the artwork. Sweet.

This last piece I found on the Pavel Zoubok site.This piece is really my fave of the ones I have seen. I really enjoy the landscape feel to the whole thing, the bombastic crazy constellated sky....I want to go here today and hang out in the convoluted skies of Holli Schorno.


1000 Journals Film @ HDFest in NYC!

Finally! I get to see the 1000 Journals Film, a documentary based on the project 1000 journals which was started by Someguy.
I got a rare chance to be in this film, and I ended up in NY at the 9/11 site trying to take something so vast as 9/11 and record it in a journal for the film. Talk about challenging!
The film has played at various film fests and on the West Coast, but this Saturday nite, it is playing on the East Coast in NYC at the SONY HD Fest. Tickets can be had here.
I am psyched to be attending!!!

Strange Form of Life

Sr. García, ilustración, collage

Strange Form of Life Indeed. This amazing site packed full of collage goodness is based in Barcelona, Spain. The Strange Form of Life blog has a crazy array of really good collage work. (Wow! While writing this post...I was surprised to find ME there! cool...) There's a seemingly endless stream of serious art on this most gorgeous blog!!

Estocada mortal (Barcelona, 2008)
Gloria also hosts another personal blog worthy of collage seekers. There's some crazy stuff here. You simply must investigate.

Joan Schulze Collage Sale

Joan Schulze is leaving for places across the pond, like Australia and China and she is having a special sale of 9 of her favorite collages before she leaves. The sales ends Nov. 5th.
You can view the pictures here at at her auxiliary website...
More of her work can be found here:
Joan Schulze www.joan-of-arts.com


THE END OF THE WORLD is coming to an end!!!!!

Matthew Rose's "THE END OF THE WORLD continues, unabated, through 15 October (THAT'S 2 DAYS AWAY!!! AAA!). Please stop by the Wm Turner Gallery to see Matthew Rose's apocalyptic vision in collage works, drawings, prints and terribly unusual objects produced specially for this exhibition."

Wm Turner gallery Atlanta's newest fine art showcase
David Turner
Wm Turner gallery
email: david@wmturnergallery.com
phone: 404.577.4500
web: http://www.wmturnergallery.com


Mysterious Action Of Memory — Strychnin, Berlin

Following up his appearance at Art21 last week, David Hochbaum is having a solo show in Berlin this month @ Strychnin. The opening is tomorrow night and features 14 new works. The pieces are full of hidden meaning and interesting technique. I read the description of some of the new works and some include usage of an old photographic process called Carbon transfer. I read up on the carbon transfer technique and it's not for the timid. The effect of these extra efforts is amazing. Makes for a lush canvas landscape of detailed collage goodness....

" There is also a catalog with a forward by Carlo McCormick and Iris Bitter, which has all the new work as well as some past works. There are soft bound and a limited edition of hard covered available as well. This is my first catalog and I am very pleased with the way it looks and quite happy about it existing! If you would like to get one, they are available to browse and buy through www.unbreakable3.com "...

Here's the down-lo
Mysterious Action of Memory
David Hochbaum
Oct 10th at 7pm-11 @ Strychnin Gallery
Boxhagenerstrasse 36
D-10245 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 9700 2035

2 Weekend Collage Exhibits

This is a busy time of year and collage shows are cropping up all over the place. Here's info for 2 shows this weekend.
Karen Bettencourt

Karen lives in Massachusetts and is an active collage and textile artist. She has a website and a blog. She been gearing up for a 2-person show at the Loading Dock Gallery in Lowell, MA called Other Times... Other Places. She will be showing recent work consisting of 10 collages which tell the story of a fictitious woman from birth to death.
Other Times ... Other Places
at The Loading Dock Gallery, 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA
New Collage by Karen Bettencourt and Andrea Bobroff Peters
October 1 to October 26
Reception October 10 6-9pm

Christian Heinrich
The details follow below in broken translated English regarding a show that is in Berlin.
Griebenowstr. 23 - 10435 Berlin - Fr., SA & So from 12:00 to 19:00 clock So.12.10.08 exhibition opening:
COLORED INTERACTION Exhibition from the 12.Oktober to 23.November 2008 Love of friends of the gallery and art, on Sunday, 2008 from 15.00 to 19,00 o'clock the gallery Friendly Society their 30.Themenausstellung opens the 12.Oktober " Colored Zusammenspiel" , to which we would like to invite you and your friends cordially. We show pictures of Katharina brook, Helmut Gutbrod and Holzskulpturen of Peter Hermann. If one believes something to have recognized it yields back and withdraws themselves from the clarity. Katharina brook plays the reality. It hides it in colors, forms, surfaces - lets appear recognizable aspects. But the pictures sit down imageful together, they do not tell atmospherically. Configurations of own symbolic systems place relations ago, work and will interaction. They give area for own ideas, fantasies to the viewer. In the center of the artistic work of Helmut Gutbrod are located organic cell forms, architectural structures and abstracted landscapes, which the artist reduces indicationful to elementary basic forms. In a tensionful Consolidated color sounds, the one fragile entireness develop for dialogue of different plans form and the viewer Leave area to manufacture own meaning meanings. Peter Hermann dedicates itself primarily to the human figure. Its wood sculptures, which it reduces to the substantial, every now and then by animals or also everyday life articles are accompanied. These attributes obtain somewhat particularly valuable, supplement the work and permit contentwise associations. Its figures look into the world, but its view is at the same time inward arranged. This lends a quiet to them Presence and somewhat very full. We would be pleased to be able to welcome you with a glass of Bowle.
Christian Heinrich & Gregor Marvel


Collage Collaboration — Scheinman and Creamer

In Spring (Dawn's Tapestry of Gold)
© Nancy Scheinman
The collage work of Nancy Scheinman is so intense I am having a hard time trying to figure out if her work is done on hard copy or digitally! Acid washes, photo emulsion, layering of metals, etching..these are just a few of the techniques that Scheinman uses in her dense collage work, so I am assuming that at least some of this work is done on the table. These are amazing pieces. It is no secret that works inspired by nature especially touch me, and these are no exception.

Measure Out the Time of Stars
31" x 43 "
Acrylic, oil, tin, canvas, paper, etched and inked plexiglass, and patinated copper on wood.

She did a series of collaborative works with photographer Robert Creamer, and these are available for viewing on her website. These pieces are intricate and delicate....involved and intense.

Thistle Burst - Spring Floats
An edition of 25 Lotus prints on archival Somerset Velvet paper offered at 28" x 40"
or 16" x 24"
A collaborative piece by Nancy Scheinman and Robert Creamer

What really amazes me about these is her technique of incorporating a rectangular image into a larger piece. Some people are more successful at this than others. Rauschenberg often used rectangular images within his work and he did little do disguise the fact. These works also do a good job at hiding the rectilinear individuality of each image. Sweet.
More imagery, prints for sale....can be found here on her website.

Revising Nature — Revealing Beauty
She is having a show currently at Heineman Myers Contemporary Art gallery in Bethesda, MD from Oct. 4 - Nov. 8. More info about this show can be found here on the Heineman Myers site. Certainly this would be a good show to see, if you are in the area.