
Art and Law

Collage artists inevitably end up asking those copyright questions....??? It's unavoidable.
I am always seeking out better and better places to ask the questions and get the answers. Today I post about an art and law blog...a place where art and law meet. Ugh, it's a nasty combo. Sometime however, you may find your art being used in an undesirable way, or you may inadvertently do something in your own art practice that is dicey and you get called on it, or lucky you, you are going to have gallery representation...what about that contract??? Whatever the issue is, there may come a time when you are looking for legal advice. This blog is put out by Elizabeth Russell that addresses some of the problems you could encounter....She's putting the info out there. It's up to you to go out there and get it.
Prez Bush did sign the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO IP) Act of 2008...and it does involve a Copyright Czar. You don't want to be caught by the Copyright Czar!!! AAAA! Sounds scary and kinda communist even. Stay informed. Stay safe.


  1. The link doesn't work.

  2. Hey-Thanx for the heads Up!
    I fixed the links...

