Go Global — Creative Caucus
A message from Cecil Touchon, forerunner of a new idea...
Greetings all,
Today the coup d'état that began in the year 2000 in the United States
has new been delivered a coup de grace. Today people all over the world
take a sigh of relief as the American people state clearly "Yes we
can!". Today America begins the arduous task of rebuilding itself from
the ground up and repairing its reputation and position on the world stage.
It is on this great day that I would like to introduce a new
organization that is focused on the long term effort to define and bring
into self consciousness a global demographic that has yet to organize
itself as a group and that is: the creative community. Today I announce
the formation of the Creative Caucus and invite artists, architects,
designers, composers, performers, actors, entrepreneurs and anyone else
working in any creative field to join together to discuss cultural
issues and to work together to create positive change that encourages
widespread creative freedom and freedom of expression. It is the
creative community who is the first to see the possibilities and design
a better future. If we will work together we, who usually live quietly
on the fringes of the larger culture, may encourage the kinds of changes
in the global community that make the world a safe and peaceful place in
which creative people all over the world may work openly without fear of
The Creative Caucus is an experiment in dreaming of a better way that
people from all over the world, from all different points of view might
work together to identify common goals toward which we might all be
willing to invest a small amount of our individual efforts. We seek to
find those things that we hold in common rather than argue over our
differences. We seek to listen to and understand each other more than
convince each other our own rightness. We hold the principle that a
diversity of views enriches all of us and strengthens our capacity to
see the big picture.
The Creative Caucus is a gathering of forces from across the spectrum
who believe that there can be unity of purpose while cherishing a
diversity of views. When we engage in debate it is not for one to win
and the other to lose but rather to shine the light of intelligence on
the issues that we face that we may more clearly understand them.
Creative people all over the world are those who strive to see beyond
what is to explore what could be. The creative impulse strives to
uncover potential and possibility rather than accept the commonly held
assumptions. Creativity apprehends with intuition what reason alone
cannot reach. The Creative Caucus seeks to encourage a dialog among
those who believe that creativity is a vital and important part of a
vibrant culture that should be
nurtured, cherished and protected.
Please visit CreativeCaucus.org for more information and to join us as
we form this organization.
Cecil Touchon
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