
College collage

Steven Specht here...
I am officially excited about the upcoming collage exhibit I am curating at Utica College entitled "The End is Near: An International Collage Exhibit". The exhibit will feature Pierre Jean Varet (France), Sylvia Netcheva (Bulgaria); Dale Copeland (New Zealand); Jonathan Tabot (NY); Aprile Elcich (Toronto); Kevin Gilmore (RI); Deborah Snider (UT); Frank Viola (NY); Julie Takacs (NY) and me! The opening reception is Monday, March 26th from 4:30-6:30. Here are images from Pierre Jean, Dale and Jonathan. I will be posting more in the days to come! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds neat! I look forward to seeing your image posts later one. Thanks for promoting collage art in your exhibition.
