Friday Camera Fest
My lomo colorsplash, nekked without it's skin!
I have been crazy into my cameras lately! Ever since the Hochbaum salon, I am intent on supplying myself with as much of my own imagery as possible. So I filled up what was left on the rolls of film that are in my 2 lomos. I am ready to get some new film...and start fresh once again.
I bought a colorsplash a few years ago, as soon as I saw it for the first time I knew I had to have it. The first one was kinda lame, had issues. So I returned it and got another one. I love that thing!!! It's not for any kind of daylight tho. It has 2 buttons for 2 types of exposures, including one that allows you to hold it down and catch light streaking at night!
Fisheye...retro yes?
Then there's the Fisheye that TRavis bought me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I LOVE THis thing!!! The wide angle lens makes for crazy shots. I love crazy shots. I love crazy anything.
The Vivitar mini cam. I have the green one.
So much for the 35mm crowd.
Then Christmas came this year, and I saw this little digital camera by Vivitar for 9.99. Well, I had to have it! It's a crazy little thing. Takes 20 pix, and then I have to download them. TOTALLY shooting from the hip with this cam. You can't get the crop right, and it shoots lo res. BUT it's great for my latest game, the camera car game. I drive in the countryside, with the window open (and YES I am freezing my ass off since it's below 10 degrees out when I am doing this...) and I shoot crazy shots at the mountains, WITHOUT looking thru the lens to crop. Whatever comes out, comes out. I have gotten some of the most fascinating shots this way. It makes you shoot from weird angles and I end up with some potentially interesting photos.
My favorite camera of all is my HOLGA! I love her, but she takes special 120 film and it's more expensive, and 30 miles away to get any. It has light leaks and is manual wind, but I love the effect of the plastic lens. luv luv luv. Luv for holga. When I first got it, I was like, yea, these little metal clips are going to hold this closed....And when I was out in the field, the first time that clip got caught on something, the whole camera busted open and exposed all the film. BOGUS!
It has velcro on it now to keep it closed. But that wore off and stopped working too, so now it's a duct tape dealie. BUT I LOVE MY HOLGA! However ugly she may be.
Holga, my beloved. Bury me with this.
I use a Kodak V570 for my usual shots. The first one I had, developed an issue with the zoom lens. I ended up sending it to Kodak and getting another new one. This one has been my workhorse daily digital for a few years now. It's not a bad camera...but it's getting old now. I think that a new camera will probably be my next big expense. I need more megapixels!
Not sure what one to get, but I know I want something semi-pro. Nikon? Canon? Need to read a bunch of reviews to decide.
My workhorse camera. Daily shooting required.
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