Mail Art, Collage and Luc Fierens
I received an email this week from an interesting guy in Belgium. He has been doing mailart for quite awhile and also is involved with doing creative things or all types. When someone truly has the creative spirit inside, it is insatiable. It manifests itself in many arenas and from the looks of Luc's site, he has dabbled in all sorts of endeavors. I was not aware of the mailart movement until recent years, and it appeared to me as tho I had missed the boat and since the internet, the movement had died down. I was wrong, as I notice that Luc has a mailart call on his site.
Luc has these most interesting PostFLuxPostBooklets...which are most bizarre and almost retro. In this new age of flourishing internet, mail seems so passé. I haven't spent much time in fancy mailings...however, after reading about his PostFluxPostBooklets I feel as tho I am missing something. The booklets are an ongoing project started by Luc in 1987. "The first numbers were solo outings, but in 1989 it developed into a collaborative project in the format of 15x10.5cm booklets done by cut-and paste collage and photocopy." ..."Currently, the POSTFLUXPOSTBOOKLETS are one of the most interesting collaborative projects in the network and if you meet Luc you are likely to be asked to participate. It also collectedby a number of museums and archives including my International Copy Art Archive (since 1992). It is especially notable for its longevity and form: cut-and-paste collage photocopy in unlimited open editions making it one of the best street-level democratic mail art projects i know of. "...
How does this all apply to collage? Fluxus, Dada, these were art movements that used collage often in their style and message. Mailart grew out of the entire fluxus way of thinking....and even our more recent internet and Round Robin projects have their roots in mailart. Luc works on collage and some can be seen on his extensive website.
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